
is a solo performance-as-research on tour.

What does that mean?

It means  that Isa Leal is  looking forward to coming to your town with  a set of dance based performance! These pieces are designed to call attention to specific ways of perceiving. The audience will bear witness, play, compose, surprise and experiment with these offerings to further research about their response and have a wild ride.

The Door Piece       Witnessing Collaboration *           The Toothbrush Piece

*Local improvisational musicians would be exciting to add to the mix and are encouraged to be booked as part of the evening.

The set runs about 30 min with an 8ft x 8ft space minimum.

These experiments are being written about in the  book-in-progress,  Authentic Vehicle: Empathy in Performance and Personal Practice. A book about the innately political nature of empathizing with one another.

She is also offering a Contact Improvisation and authentic movement workshop called Authentic Dialogue.

Learn more about  Isa: Bio  CV   Teaching  Art 

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encouraging empathy…..